About this blog

Hello friends! Welcome to my personal blog about online soccer manager. In this blog, I want to share about my experience playing this game since 2011. Ahh... I remember when Online Soccer Manager using daily ticket rather than boss coin/token hahaha.

In this blog, I just want to share my formations and tactics when I play this game. You want to try my tactic or not, is up to you.

Please notice this :

I can't guarantee the formations and tactics in my blog can win 100% in every match.
Because there is another factor that can affect results such as, player overalls, club, player position placement, stamina, morale etc.

So, maybe there is a formation or tactic that suitable for me but not suitable for you. If you have a lot of token/boss coin you can try friendly match first to try the tactics.

Oh yeah, and sorry if my English is a little bit bad. But, i will improve that.

Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope this can help you to win a match in Online Soccer Manager game. Cheers!
